The scope of activities of the Section covers three disciplines: road engineering, including traffic engineering, rail engineering and bridge engineering. Moreover, some elements of airport infrastructure are also within interest of the Section.

The goals of the Section are defined as follows:

  • Planning and coordination of comprehensive and interdisciplinary research and analyses in transportation infrastructure, taking into account relationship of the three main sectors of traffic-related constructions (roads, railways, bridges) and related environmental issues.
  • Exchange of experiences regarding research methodology, development of new technologies and practical implementations.
  • Identification of the main problems in operation of transportation infrastructure sectors from both scientific and practical standpoints.
  • Diagnoses and identification of the challenges for scientific research supporting development of the roads and railways network. Co-operation in creating national research plans and programs.
  • Assessment and influence on the development of scientific staff.
  • Assessment and influence on teaching staff in the area of transportation infrastructure.

During the tenure of 2011-2014 the research and analyses will be focused on the following problem groups:

1)        Safety and performance of the transportation infrastructure.

2)        Influence of environmental factors on development of design methods and implementation technologies in transportation infrastructure.

3)        Operation, monitoring and maintenance of the transportation infrastructure.

4)        Engineering structures in road and rail construction.

5)        Development of scientific and teaching staff.

2. SECTION members

The Section has 53 members, including:

7 members of the Civil Engineering Committee within Polish Academy of Science,

8 specialists in the field of rail engineering

26 specialists in the field of road engineering

8 specialists in the field of bridge engineering

3 specialists in other fields